Hispania Sacra is a scientific journal published by CSIC and edited by the Instituto de Historia at CCHS, that publishes original articles related to History of Religion, with special emphasis on the Hispanic World, written in Spanish, English, French, Italian, or Portuguese.
Founded in 1948, during years it has been publishing research articles on Religious History, following the course and changes in Historiography. It continues the task and orientation of Missionalia Hispanica. It began to be available online in 2007, in PDF format, maintaining printed edition until 2024. That year it became an electronic journal publishing in PDF, HTML and XML-JATS. Contents of previous issues are also available in PDF files.
Hispania Sacra is indexed in Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), SCOPUS, CWTS Leiden Ranking (Journal indicators), ERIH Plus, REDIB, DOAJ and other national and international databases. It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and has obtained the FECYT Seal of Quality.
Open Access No APC Indexed Original Content |
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Interoperability Digital Preservation Research Data Policy Print and PDF |
Current Issue
Feminidades hegemónicas y disidentes dentro del catolicismo en la dictadura de Franco.
Sandra Blasco Lisa e Isabel Escobedo Muguerza (eds.)