Condemnation of Le Sillon, an episode of the modernist crisis. 25 august 1910


  • Cristóbal Robles Muñoz Instituto de Historia, CSIC



Le Sillon, Marc Sangnier, Pío X, Merry del Val, Umberto Benigni, Emmanuel Barbier, Henri Louis Chapon, Eudoxe-Irenée Mignot, Le Grand Sillon, Louis Billot, Action Française, Notre Charge Apostolique


The modernist crisis can be studied from the same modernist and from the position against those who attacked accusing them of plotting against Catholicism. Can be analyzed the opposition against this plan and strategy of their opponents. This paper studies it. Analyzes pressures led to the conviction of Le Sillon the August 25, 1910, with existing documentation in the Vatican Secret Archives. It provides the information collects and accepts by the encyclical of Pope Pius X. The Holy See dissociated himself from a movement that was the option to accept openly the Republic and democracy in France.


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How to Cite

Robles Muñoz, C. (2013). Condemnation of Le Sillon, an episode of the modernist crisis. 25 august 1910. Hispania Sacra, 65(Extra_1), 283–334.




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