The Holy See, The Republic and the basque children: a diplomatic battle inside the spanish civil war


  • Antón M. Pazos Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Estudios Gallegos «Padre Sarmiento»



Ildebrando Antoniutti, Franco, The Holy See, Spanish Republic, Spanish Civil War, Basque children, Exile, England, Belgium, France, Van Roey, 1936-1939


With the arrival to the Nationalist Spain of Ildebrando Antoniutti, sent by the Holy See with the apparent mission to repatriate the republican Basque children in exile, it was opened a diplomatic rapprochement through the Holy See and Franco, but the Apostolic Delegate launched also the repatriation of hundred of children. We analyse here different aspects of this non bloody but real fight: the battle for the children. All around Europe there were institutions promoting the return of the children to Spain and other institutions opposing it. This paper, using documentation of the Archivo Gomá, the archive of the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs —both Francoist and Republican— and the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, discuss the diplomatic clash that took place in Europe during the Spanish Civil War, with the children as passive protagonists. This article anticipates a forthcoming book about the role of the Holy See in the repatriation of the Basque children during the Spanish Civil War.


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How to Cite

Pazos, A. M. (2013). The Holy See, The Republic and the basque children: a diplomatic battle inside the spanish civil war. Hispania Sacra, 65(131), 385–423.


