Demonios más bien vistos que españoles. Spanish warfare, catholicism and diplomacy in the Stuart Great Britain (1603-1625)


  • Óscar Alfredo Ruiz Fernández Universidad Técnica de Construcción de Bucarest



XVII century, Stuart Great Britain, Spanish Monarchy, naval warfare, diplomacy, catholicism


During 1605 and 1625, in the years of the peace between the Spanish Monarchy and Great Britain under James I Stuart, there were several combats off the coasts and ports of Great Britain between Spanish galleons and Dutch ships. These combats always provoked diplomatic issues and disputes at the English Court among the Spanish and Dutch ambassadors. That showed the English government reluctance to comply with the treaty of 1604 with Spain, which settled the assistance of Spanish ships at British coasts and ports. Both of them were seeking the English support on their side on the occasion of these naval combats. As far as the situation of the officials and crew of these Spanish galleons, they suffered the hatred of the local protestant population, who supported the Dutch for religious, political and also economical reasons. Only a few dared to help these galleons on the British soil.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Fernández, Óscar A. (2016). Demonios más bien vistos que españoles. Spanish warfare, catholicism and diplomacy in the Stuart Great Britain (1603-1625). Hispania Sacra, 68(138), 603–617.


