De Statuis: christian sources on the “Riot of statues”


  • Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas Universidad de Granada



Antioch, Christian Literature, Meletian Schism, emperor Theodosius


The historical account of the “Riot of the Statues” of A.D. 387 Antioch found in Christian authors coetaneous to the event and from the Vth century A.D. is provided from different literary genres but approached with common narrative lines. The decisive intervention of the Meletian group of the Antiochene Church in order to obtain the emperor Theodosius’ forgiveness and his portrait as a submissive ruler to Christian figures are the main leitmotifs in the accounts of John Chrysostom, Ambrose of Milan, Sozomenus and Theodoretus of Cyr.


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How to Cite

Quiroga Puertas, A. J. (2016). De Statuis: christian sources on the “Riot of statues”. Hispania Sacra, 68(138), 467–475.




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