The Fragment of the Bible Dericci ms 5 (Italy, second half of XIIIth century)


  • Eulalia Ramos Rubert Universidad CEU San Pablo (Madrid)



Bible, state of preservation, previous conservation work, manuscript, illuminator, illumination, parchment, conservation, painting technique


This research focuses on a group of European manuscripts belonging to NYPL used in the liturgy of the Catholic Church between the Xth and XVth centuries, which form part of the DeRicci Collection. This paper begins with the study of DeRicci ms 5, fragment of an Italian Bible. As an innovation, is studied the biblical content and its influence on the conservation process, in addition to its comparative association with, Chig.A.VI.161, Chig.A.VI.162, Bibles belonging to the BAV.
A description of the elements of the book, the nature of the material and the crafts involved in its preparation. A detailed study of the technical executive, allowing an assessment of previous conservation works, and the analysis of the state of conservation of the volume. Several considerations and conclusions are deducted for a conservation proposal. Descriptions are provided on the body of the book, the contents of the gatherings, capitals and notes on paper.


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How to Cite

Ramos Rubert, E. (2014). The Fragment of the Bible Dericci ms 5 (Italy, second half of XIIIth century). Hispania Sacra, 66(133), 7–74.


