The Spanish Civil War and the American Bishops Conference


  • José Luis González Gullón Colaborador de Investigación, Universidad de Navarra



Spanish Civil War, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Cardinal Isidro Gomá, Michael J. Ready, Spanish Embargo


The National Catholic Welfare Conference issued official statements about the Spanish Civil War. It was in touch with the Spanish Bishops through cardinal Isidro Gomá. The NCWC condemned the Loyalist Government for two main reasons: the religious persecution and the dependence on the communists. Its position about General Franco was more complicated. The NCWC wanted the victory of Franco but at the same time, it desired the recovery of the democratic system in Spain.


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How to Cite

González Gullón, J. L. (2012). The Spanish Civil War and the American Bishops Conference. Hispania Sacra, 64(Extra_1), 315 –.




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