Alea iacta non est. Moral domestication of gambling in Early Modern Catholic Europe




Early Modern Period, moral theology, gambling, Catholicism


During early modern times gambling undertook remarkable developments. At the same time, Catholic Europe experienced the development of a renewed moral theology which will be very concerned about gambling and its consequences. Theologians will approach however gambling from a new perspective that partly displaced the previous moralizing discourse, closely intertwined with the theory of virtues and the ten deadly sins. Within the framework of the development of a Catholic contract theory, theologians stressed the contract character of the game. The debates will thus deal about the moral binding of contracts, the moral obligation of provisions of civil law, the limits of individual property, the moral legitimacy of profit as a guide of human behavior and a long etcetera.


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Fuentes primarias

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How to Cite

Sosa Mayor, I. (2023). Alea iacta non est. Moral domestication of gambling in Early Modern Catholic Europe. Hispania Sacra, 75(152), 375–386.


