The inquisitorial edict included in the Palermitan printing of the index of Sandoval y Rojas (1628). Some forbidden objects in a catalogue of books




Index of Palermo 1628, astrological seals, talismans, superstitious objects, popular religiosity


This paper presents the edict promulgated by the inquisitors of Palermo in 1622 and included in the 1628 Palermitan printing of the Index of Sandoval y Rojas. It is a document in Italian, in which medals, plates and superstitious images, grouped under the name of sigils, were forbidden. The use of sigils or seals goes back to a long tradition in which astrology, medicine, necromancy and natural magic are mixed. This diversity highlights the difficulty in defining the term. In the light of the sources and the contemporary literature on sigils, this article offers a reading of the edict with the aim of approaching the nature of the forbidden object. The first part examines the correspondence between the island tribunal and the Inquisitorial Tribunal in Madrid, to present some of the few details that are known about the printing process of the Palermo index, and draws attention to the prohibitions of non-textual elements in the Spanish-Portuguese catalogues of the 16th and 17th centuries.


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How to Cite

Londoño, M. (2023). The inquisitorial edict included in the Palermitan printing of the index of Sandoval y Rojas (1628). Some forbidden objects in a catalogue of books. Hispania Sacra, 75(151), 191–206.




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