Art and ephemeral Architecture in the royal funerals of Cordoba del Tucumán.


  • Carlos A. Page CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas, Argentina) Arquitecto y Doctor en Historia - Investigador adjunto



Real funerals, Córdoba del Tucumán, tumuli, ephemeral architecture, art, architecture


The subject on you honors them and exequies real has had in the last decades a particular consideration, mainly for the accomplishments conducted in the great Hispano-American capitals. But these manifestations also appear in other cities, like Cordoba del Tucumán, where the Jesuits established the first university in Argentina. From his foundation (1573) it depended soon on the virreinato of the Perú and of the Río de la Plata when was designated to head of the government (1785). In happening of two centuries of history it was witness of a series of real mournful celebrations of which they have been left little testimonies documentary and that we try to rescue in this article. The excellent graphical representations of tumuli have not been conserved of Cordoba as those of Lima or Mexico, but several documents that describe these monuments that were the best exponent of the ephemeral architecture of their time. They are testimonies that made meet systems of representation which they allowed to expose in addition to the architecture, the sculpture, painting and literature that located as opposed to the spectator all the artistic expressions that could transmit the painful message.


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How to Cite

Page, C. A. (2009). Art and ephemeral Architecture in the royal funerals of Cordoba del Tucumán. Hispania Sacra, 61(124), 423–446.


