Franciscan millenarianism in Pierre d’Ailly’s Sermo de beato Francisco




Pierre of Ailly, Hildegard of Bingen, Gebeno of Eberbach, Franciscan Millenarianism, Medieval Profetism


In the sermon for the feast of St. Francis, an early work, Pierre d’Ailly poses some characteristic themes of his ecclesiological thought, such as the vision of the History of the Church in terms of a series of persecutions or the interpretation of the Great Schism as a moment of change. However, unlike other works of his, he does not establish a relationship between the Schism and the arrival of the Antichrist, but considers it a just punishment for the corruption of the clergy that will lead to a state of peace led by the Franciscan order. To this end, it relies on the prophetic authority of Hildegard de Bingen, and (in a not very explicit way) on images and ideas that come from the Franciscan spiritual tradition.


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How to Cite

Santos Paz, J. C. (2019). Franciscan millenarianism in Pierre d’Ailly’s Sermo de beato Francisco. Hispania Sacra, 71(143), 89–102.


