An Account of Translation of Relics: the Writings of Alonso de Cartagena




Relics, Cult of saints, Devotional literature, Castile, 15th Century, Alonso de Cartagena


The narratives of translation of relics is a genre of devotional literature that didn´t develop extensively in Medieval Castile. But Alonso de Cartagena contributed to it remarkably. In 1453, during a pastoral visit, he decided to move the relics of St. Juliana to a more honorable place. He wrote an account of these facts that adjusts strictly to the features of the genre. This vernacular text contains an exposition about the cult of saints and their relics, which has an intense Thomist inspiration: it sets theological questions with precision and clarity. The provisions on the decoration of the chapel of the relics offer an interesting testimony of the debate on religious image which is then developed in Castile.


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How to Cite

Fernández Gallardo, L. (2017). An Account of Translation of Relics: the Writings of Alonso de Cartagena. Hispania Sacra, 69(140), 521–531.


