El asociacionismo católico español en 1900: un intento de aproximación


  • José Ramón Milán García C.S.I.C.




Nowadays, researchs about sociability kinds and fields, placed between antropology and sociology, result one of the most profitable lines in historiography. In the last quarter of the 19 century's Spanish society the catholic associationism, standard bearer of the resurrection of the Church during the borbonic Restoration, is a phenomenon still underestimated that needs a bigger study in depth. First place, it requires specific monographies produced with the uncomplete data available to reproduce the associative map of the catholicism in Spain. This map will permit us the realization with guarantees of a global interpretation about the force, character and diversity of the Church's associative networks in that society. The study here exposed tries to give an approach to the associative catholic world in Spain during the change of the century by the contrastation of the available data with the analysis of statistics almost unemployed, and then to place all this phenomenon inside the world of the anticlerical fights of the end of the 19 century. It pretends to provoke a bigger interest about this subject and to open the way of subsequent researchs.


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How to Cite

Milán García, J. R. (1998). El asociacionismo católico español en 1900: un intento de aproximación. Hispania Sacra, 50(102), 639–665. https://doi.org/10.3989/hs.1998.v50.i102.625


