The point of view of the philosopher and the point of view of the historian. Hume’s reflections on the Protestant Reformation




David Hume, Religion, Superstition, Enthusiasm, Protestantism


According to Hume, neither the existence of God nor the immortality of the soul can be demonstrated. Religious beliefs are therefore irrational, but as long as they operate in many societies we must study the effects they produce. The Protestant Reformation lent itself to the most absurd political projects, but also developed an ideal of freedom. After studying these points, we will analyze the political proposals that Hume thought could be obtained from this historical study in order to minimize the social ills produced by religions.


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How to Cite

López Sastre, G. (2018). The point of view of the philosopher and the point of view of the historian. Hume’s reflections on the Protestant Reformation. Hispania Sacra, 70(141), 125–135.


