El Socialista versus El debate (from January to September 1933)


  • Víctor Manuel Arbeloa




Socialism, Socialist Party, political Catholicism, clericalism, anticlericalism, Fascism, God, Jesus, Church, clergy


The author analyzes the first nine months of 1933 breakthrough year, and leave the judgment to the reader, the opinions and attitudes of two principal Spanish media-The Debate-Socialist and service, respectively, of the PSOE and the CEDA, concerning the Left and the Right, Socialism and political Catholicism, Fascism and Nazism, the socialist revolution, which is prepared in Spain, Orders and religious Congregations, whose law is discussed in Parliament, the “eternal issues” of the Spanish anticlericalism-antieclesialism: God, Jesus, the Church, the Pope, the bishops, clergy, Catholics...


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How to Cite

Arbeloa, V. M. (2014). El Socialista versus El debate (from January to September 1933). Hispania Sacra, 66(133), 287–335. https://doi.org/10.3989/hs.2013.054


